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real madrid barcelona 11-1

Real Madrid once beat Barca 11-1 but here's why they never show off about that game – explained by historian. Did you ever know Barcelona were once beaten 11-1 in El Clasico? It took place at the time when football was an ugly show in some way. Back in 1943, Real Madrid beat Barcelona 11-1 in the second leg of the real madrid barcelona 11-1 Copa del Rey (previously known as Copa del Generalisimo). The defeat became known as the biggest Barcelona loss to date. However, this wasn't a fair-play encounter. Barcelona won the first-leg tie with a staggering 3-0 score. The players were full of confidence ahead of the second match, however, Spanish government intervened just before the kick-off. ”Real Madrid never show off about that match,” Joan Barau, a historian specialising in Barcelona's history, once told Goal. Barcelona 3.

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Real Madrid once beat Barca 11-1 but here's why they never show off about that game – explained by historian. Did you ever know Barcelona were once beaten 11-1 in El Clasico? It took place at the time when football was an ugly show in some way. Back in 1943, Real Madrid beat Barcelona 11-1 in the second leg of the Copa del Rey (previously known as Copa del Generalisimo). The defeat became known as the biggest Barcelona loss to date. However, this wasn't a fair-play encounter. Barcelona won the first-leg tie with a staggering 3-0 score. Çok sesli nasıl yazılır. Back in 1943, Real Madrid beat Barcelona 11-1 in the second leg of the Copa del Rey (previously known as Copa del Generalisimo). The defeat became known as the biggest Barcelona loss to date. However, this wasn't a fair-play encounter. Barcelona won the first-leg tie with a staggering 3-0 score.
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